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NFT Marketplace for art galleriese

With a billion-dollar market volume, NFT is the world for your art to discover! Turn your works into one-of-a-kind digital collectibles with an NFT marketplace solution from  Gratixtechnologies.

We invite every stakeholder involved in the art space to explore the possibilities of NFTs, non-fungible tokens to sell or exchange via blockchain-powered auction-based system.

NFT Marketplace for art galleriese

Your digital art to tokenize on

Popular wallets

Royalties from sales

Run your profitable NFT business on your own rules, receiving ~5-15% from each sale made on your NFT marketplace.

Trusted providers

Custodian license

If you create an NFT blockchain account on your client’s behalf, we will provide you a custodian license.


Popular fiat gateways

Trade NFTs the way you like, with multiple fiat gateways to choose from, taking advantage of multi-currency support, bidding, bundling, and other digital trading features.

Trusted providers


Ensure NFT trading is legit thanks to built-in compliance with state and local regulations and prevent fraud in NFTs while staying compliant.

Industry leaders trust us

verity health
arcelor mittal
NFT Marketplace for artists

NFT Marketplace for artists

Our ready-made NFT platform is the place where art becomes unique. It brings together collectors and creators, allowing them to trade and exchange artwork as non-fungible tokens.

For creators, the work with the marketplace is really simple; upload an item on a blockchain to trade it as an NFT; your digital wallet is created automatically.

Who can create NFTs?

We are ready to offer our NFT Marketplace to every stakeholder in the art space.



Game studios

Game fans



Game studios

Game fans

Trade and collect artwork secure left image

Trade and collect artwork secure

Build a decentralized marketplace on public or your own private blockchain, where creators could transform their artwork into non-fungible tokens, collect, and exchange these free of intermediaries and in absolute transparency.

Trade and collect artwork secure right image

The expertise of our NFT development company

What artwork to turn into NFTs?

Make your masterpieces truly unparalleled by turning them into NFTs.

Character cards

Character cards

GIFs with fightings

GIFs with fightings

Fan art

Fan art

Best moments

Best moments

How NFT Marketplace works

From your account, you can view all the available art pieces, the ones you created, and the ones on sale by simply switching between tabs.

To convert your art piece into a non-fungible token, just upload it on the network, and the system will do the rest! You can upload up to 5 items at once and put them on sale right away.

Click on the item you’re interested in to view its main info, purchase it, or place a bid.

Blockchains we work with


Need a White-label solution?

At your request, Gratix can build a white-label NFT platform, liquidity-adjusted and running on a public or your private blockchain (based on your choice).

ready getwat

Ready gateways

Trade NFTs through the popular fiat and (or) crypto gateways, including TRX, ETH, BTC, BTS, NEO, and others. If you need additional gateways, we will provide them for you.

Flexible development

Flexible development

You can get your NFT platform solution by choosing one of the following options: a) a standalone NFT platform or b) an NFT module for your existing platform under your brand.

Professional team

Professional team

Keep your NFT marketplace constantly updated with the most traded tokens from the moment it goes live. Our team of blockchain experts works every day to improve your solution.

Customizable UI

Customizable UI

Go with the default layout or choose your own design. We tailor the platform’s look to your brand identity and regularly update it according to the latest UI and UX trends.

Turnkey liquidity tools

Turnkey liquidity tools

Run your white-label NFT art platform with built-in liquidity tools. The system arranges trades free of liquidity risks.

24/7 support

24/7 support

Provide full technical assistance to your NFT-based art business with 24/7 support services from the Gratix team.

Revolutionize your business with Gratix

Have the same requirements for your project?

Gratix is ready to deliver a solution according to your specifications. If you need additional support or business advice, we’ll give you our professional consultation

Just planning to implement blockchain for your business?

From the idea to the end product — Gratixaccompanies you at every stage of blockchain development, making the entire process smooth.


The expertise of our smart contract development